Here you will find:
Information including email addresses and photos from all your High School friends on the Alumni Page
Photos from the 1992, 2002 and 2006 Reunions on either of the Reunion Pages
High School photos and memories on the Memories Page
Links to related websites on the Links Page
This website belongs to the Class of 1982. So feel free to offer any suggestions that will make it even better...

Please contact us by EMAIL if you have any updates, suggestions or comments!
We would love to hear from you!
The Class of 1982 website was completed on 29 August, 2003.
The TABB1982.COM domain was created on 29 April, 2007.
This page was last updated on 29 April, 2007.
Certain graphics on this website are © Tabb High School.
Certain photographs are © their respective credited owners.
All other content ©2007 Lynn Brenzel-Radojevic & Lana Meell
on behalf of the alumni of Tabb High School Class of 1982.
(Go Tigers!)