Laura C. Wahlstrom Meeks
Email:laurameeks@comcast.net |
Occupation: IT Director & E-commerce Sales Mgr. for www.builderbargain.com |
Married: Mark |
Children: Mark, Kaci |
Amy L. Waldron
David E. Wallace
Email:Reedrhett31@cs.com |
Occupation: Chief, Special Activities Division - US Air Force |
Married: Melinda |
Children: Rhett, Reed |
Howard Ward
J. Clark Ward
Email:wardclark@msn.com |
Occupation: 6th Grade Math Teacher - Peasley Middle School |
Married: Lin |
Children: CJ, Ryan |
Greg Washaleski
Patrick L. Washburn
Occupation: Engineer - Northrop Grumman |
Dan Weber
Lynn L. Weiss-Valdez
Married: Edmund |
Children: Edmund V, Elena, Emily |
Henry L. Welch
Email:welch@msoe.edu |
Occupation: Professor, EECS Department Milwaukee School of Engineering |
Married: Letha (1991) |
Children: Connor, Kyle, Kira |
Angie West
Charles L. White
Edmund L. Whiteman
Occupation: Business Development Manager - Milliken & Co. |
Married: Debbie |
Children: Matthew, Daniel |
Renee L. Wiant Wojtas
Kristine L. Wilcox Gantt
David M. Wild
Email:dmwild@juno.com |
Occupation: Business Systems Analyst - Dominion Service Co. |
Married: Martha |
Children: Carolyn, Matthew |
Pamela J. Wilkerson Chaney
Fran Williams
Joyce L. Williams
Occupation: Business Owner - Carrollton Used Auto Parts |
Married: Rich Holloway |
Children: Dena |
Doug Wilson
Treslyn Wilson Reichert
Email:Bigsmilesltd@juno.com |
Occupation: Finance Manager - Pence Chrysler |
Married: William |
Children: Chloe, Alexa |
Jodie Wingo
Clifford L. Winstead
Joann T. Witt Phelps
Robin A. Witt Edwards
Occupation: Attorney (Intellectual Property) - NASA |
Married: William |
Children: Abigail, Emily |
P. Lynn Workman Lepsch
Email Home:rogerlepsch@cox.net
Occupation: Office Manager - Commonwealth Financial Engineering |
Married: Roger |
Children: Stephen, Ryan |
Jeffrey A. Worrell
Occupation: Driver/Sales - Roadway Express |
Married: Carol |
Children: Brandon |
Michelle A. Wright Brindle
Email:shelley.brindle@hbo.com |
Occupation: Vice President, Marketing - HBO |
Married: Kip |
Children: Grace, Nora |
Hugh G. Wyatt
Email:twyatt28@earthlink.net |
Occupation: Warranty Rep - US Home |
Married: Tammy |
Children: Morgan, Hudson |
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Please share any recent photos of yourself or of your family. Send us any updated information or anything else you would like to share about yourself with your fellow alumni as well.
Please contact us by EMAIL if you have any updates, suggestions or comments!
We would love to hear from you!
The Class of 1982 website was completed on 29 August, 2003.
The TABB1982.COM domain was created on 29 April, 2007.
This page was last updated on 27 April, 2008.
Certain graphics on this website are © Tabb High School.
Certain photographs are © their respective credited owners.
All other content ©2007 Lynn Brenzel-Radojevic & Lana Meell
on behalf of the alumni of Tabb High School Class of 1982.
(Go Tigers!)